Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Some updates and other musings

So obviously, I havn't updated since before my surgery on the 3rd. Just too sore to sit here for long periods...honestly this surgery hurts way worse than the Colectomy did. Or maybe my pain meds were just better then I dunno, but I am doing this one pretty much with nothing I had very low dose percs sent home with me and I stretched them much further than they should have lasted technically, but now they are gone so I am just coping with the pain with Tylenol or Ibuprofen.Which is good in a way because I dislike that disconnected feeling the stronger drugs give me.

So I had a total hysterectomy remember, both Ovaries had cancer, but that was it, and they said they got it all, they also removed my Appendix because it was inside out? So yeah an additional body part removed.

I go back next month for a follow up, so far I still know nothing about if I will once again have to do chemo or goodness forbid radiation. When I know more I will update you all.
off to bed
love ya

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